Alien 3 Review


Since Halloween is only a couple of days away I’ve decided to review a horror related movie, that movie been Alien 3. Alien 3 was released in 1990 and is the sequel to the previous movie Aliens, this movie takes place where Aliens left off with the main characters who survived the first movie having there stasis pods been ejected onto on a planet full entirely of prisoners. However though something goes wrong with all of the pods and now all of the surviving characters are dead except for the main character Ellen Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver). Ripley wasn’t the only thing that survived though as it turns out an alien egg was on the pod and has used a dog to hatch into a new xenomorph and is now killing everyone in the compound that they are trapped in. Now without any kind of weapons to defend themselves that to survive and find a way to stop the alien before it kills of them.


Alien 3 does feature scenes that bring a sense of suspense and scenes that can be exciting however most of this doesn’t happen until at least halfway through the movie. The film tends to have some scenes that tend to drag on or are just boring and uninteresting. It doesn’t have the suspense, plot, and action of the two previous movies. The movie does get better though as is gets more interesting and exciting halfway through the film and even manages to have parts of the plot that are actually written quite well. The special effects for the alien and the sets also manage to be as good the last two movies. Alien 3 isn’t as good of a Sci-Fi horror as the first two movies but it can be exciting enough on its own.


Score: 6/10