Avengers Age of Ultron Review

from en.wikipedia.org

from en.wikipedia.org

If you’ve read my review of X-Men: Days of Future Past you might recall me saying that I thought that while The Avengers was a good movie it was a bit overrated. With Avengers Age of Ultron though this is not the case. Waring this review will contain some minor spoilers of the movie so if you haven’t seen it yet you might want to see it first. Then again considering that it so far has made over $600 million at the box office you’ve probably already ready have seen it. After Tony Stark decides to create a machine that can protect people he ends up creating Ultron. However Ultron doesn’t like the Avengers because of all the destruction that they’ve caused while fighting. So Ultron decides to destroy the Avengers and now the avengers team has to stop him.

Aside from the returning team of hero’s from the first movie we also get to see three new characters in the movie. There’s the mutant’s Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver who are usually characters in the X-Men series of comics and movie but are in this movie since the have been in the Avengers comics before. There is the character called The Vision who is a worth while addition to the series and his character cares the most about protecting life.  The main villain Ultron is a much more interesting villain than Loki from the last movie. His at times sarcastic attitude and strong motive helps make him interesting and memorable. Their is also a lot more action in this movie, all the fight scenes are exciting and all span across large areas with all the characters fighting together.

The action is literally bigger and better, and the humor works better as well. In the first movie the humor while funny most of the time, felt too forced and unnatural. The humor here is more improved and the jokes work much better. The story also is more interesting this time around with the new conflict’s that characters face, it makes more complex unlike the first one were the story felt a bit too basic. Avengers Age of Ultron is even than the first one, as it expands even farther in action, story, and characters.

Score: 9/10