Big Box Office Bombs

Not every big budget movie that Hollywood comes out with is going to be a success but these movies probably did bad for a reason, this is some of the biggest box office bombs ever. The most recent box office flop was a 2013 action movie starring Keanu Reeves 47 Ronin, which was an action samurai movie which made only $151 million of its $175 million dollar budget. Robert Zemeckis was made good animated movies like The Polar Express and A Christmas Carol not only did this movie though bomb at the box office it put his animation studio out of business this movie was Mars Needs Moms.

I remember when this movie came out and I thought that it looked kinda stupid as it seem more like a parenting lesson that an enjoyable animated flick and it appears that I wasn’t the only kid who thought this because it made only $39 million of its $150 million dollar budget.

Mars Needs Moms movie poster  from

One movie that is considered one of the worst comedies of all time and Eddie Murphy’s worst movie is The Adventures of Pluto Nash which is said to be REALLY unfunny as not a single joke works this film is infamous for its box office failure as it only made back about $7 million of its $100 million dollar budget. It also took them forever to make the movie because the original script was written in the 80’s however they didn’t actually make the movie until the late nineties and as it was eventually was released in 2002.

Pluto Nash movie poster  from

Not every movie that is based off of a Michael Crichton novel will live up to the success of Jurassic Park and thats pretty clear with The 13th Warrior(based off of the Michael Crichton novel Eaters of The Dead). This 1999 action flick made only $61.7 million of $85 to $100 million dollar budget the movie has been criticized for its thin and bare bones plot as it can be just uninteresting and even boring at times.

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Another movie that has known for being a major box office flop that came out before Pluto Nash was the 1995 pirate movie Cutthroat Island. Making only $10 million of $98 million dollar budget Cutthroat Island for the time was considered the biggest box office bomb ever. The movie even forced the Studio that made it Carolco Pictures to go out of business the following year. These are some movies that are known for being box office bombs.

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