Summer Movies of 2015 Reviews Part 1

After taking a long break I’m back with some new reviews of the summer’s biggest hit blockbuster’s.



The first up is the movie I was most excited to see this summer Jurassic World. Taking place after the events of the first three movies, Jurassic World see’s the park finally opening to the public. After the park proves to be a big success the scientists working there decide to make things even better by making the first genetically engineered dinosaur the Indoimous Rex. When the dinosaur breaks loose though and starts to wreak havoc velociraptor trainer Owen(played by Chris Pratt) and park manger Claire(played by Bryce Dallas Howard) must stop the thing before it destroys everyone and everything in the park.

This one certainly lived up to the hype, the movie has much better characters and a better story than in the last two movies. The special effects are great as usual and the action is exciting and epic especially at the end I won’t say what happens but it is the movie’s best part.




Ant-Man the summer’s most hyped up Marvel movie and is it as big of surprise hit as everyone says it is well…not really. (This review will include minor spoilers)The movie is isn’t bad it’s just really average so much to the point that I like to call this movie Average-Man. The movie is a about a man named Scott Lang (played by Paul Rudd) who after getting out of prison goes through a series of events before getting a job from a scientist named Dr.Pym(played by Michael Douglas). Who wants him to use a suit that shrinks to become Ant-Man so that he can destroy the Yellow Jacket suit that is being made as a military weapon. Because it’s too dangerous for this to fall into enemy hands or be used as an army of them. 

The first major problem is the humor despite what people have said this movie is not funny as it may seem. Most of the jokes had me groaning instead of laughing only a few jokes stuck out as being funny.The worst joke is when Scott gets out prison he is having trouble finding a job so he ends up working at Baskin Robin’s were a guy orders for some hot food despite it being a place that only serves ice cream(GET IT?!). Also the whole scene is nothing but a five minute long Baskin Robin’s commercial. Scott Lang was the best character of the movie as you can tell he’s trying to redeem himself for what he’s done in the past and he also care’s about supporting his daughter. The action’s and effects were fantastic as they really showed off Ant-Man powers and how he use’s them to his advantage when in combat.  The movie overall is just average like I said before I might go into more detail with it’s own review later in the future but I wanted this particular one to be brief.

Score: 6/10


from en.wikipedia.org

Pixar’s latest movie Inside Out has become an instant hit and its easy to see why. The movie follows a girl named Riley (played by Kaitlyn Dias) who has five emotions inside her head. Which includes Joy(played by Amy Poehler), Sadness(played by Phyllis Smith), Fear(played by Bill Hader), Anger(played by Lewis Black), and Disgust(played by Mindy Kaling). When Riley moves to San Francisco her emotions Joy tries to the make the best of it and help Riley. After Joy and Sadness get separated from Headquarters and end up in the rest of Riley’s mind they have to find there’re way back, as the rest of Riley’s emotions struggle to help her.

The story is very original and using it’s concept to portray other things that also go inside people’s head such dreams and their biggest fears. The while thing ends up being well…emotional as we see how the emotions inside her head affect Riley along with everyone around her. The movie also manages to be funny as well with it’s clever humor. The animation is fantastic as it is well detail and gives it own look to everything. Inside Out is another great animated film that you would expect from Pixar.


Part 2 of the summer movie reviews will be coming soon.