New Year Reflection

I only have one real goal for a new year resolution for 2015 and thats to improve my drawing skill. I want to become a comic book illustrator when I am older and improving my drawing skill will certainly help improve that. The thing that I have trouble drawing the most is drawing people.


2014 was an overall good year for me and I learned from it to always plan for the future. One thing I could have done better was trying to organize and plan for small things that I might forget sometimes. What was enjoyable was getting to plan new and old games that I haven’t played before like Far Cry 4, LittleBigPlanet 3, Mother 3, and Bioshock.

LittleBigPlanet 3 cover

Also seeing all the great new movies that came out last year like Dawn of The Planet of The Apes, Big Hero 6, Guardians of The Galaxy, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. A few things that didn’t go well was some frustration trying balance the credit that I use on Itunes. Also I found the new Transformers movie to be draining to me because it was really, really bad( How Come they didn’t give Grimlock and the other Dinobots any speaking lines). I need to stop worrying about little things and I need to start being more confident in myself. Overall 2014 was a good year and now IT”S the Super Futuristic year of 2015 as predicted by Back to The Future Part II.