Compter Science Reflection

Hour of Code Flyer

Computer Science is a very important to me in my life. Computer Science is technically all around us in the modern age the usage of it will increase in the future. I always use technology and objects that involve some kind of computer science everyday for example  I always use an alarm clock to wake me up in the morning. Everyday both at school and at home I use a computer to do most of my school work. My cell phone, T.V, Ipad, and the car the my parents drive me to and from school all involve some kind of computer science. When I am playing on my Xbox or if I’m watching a movie on my DVD player that also involves computer science. 

Even a lot of the movies that come out today use computer science through their usage of CGI and green screen effects. In fact some movies such as Avatar and Speed Racer are basically 90% CG as they use a ton of computer effects of most of the movie. We all use computer science in some way or another these days. Whether it be using your cell to let you communicate with others, or if you use a computer to type up an essay for school. The amount of computer science has increased greatly over the years bring us things the we use in everyday life such as Ipods and flat screen TV’s. Thanks to computer science we have been able to help evolve our world and make it more advanced than before. If it wasn’t for computer science we wouldn’t have some of the modern convinces that we have today. I will also be making a new movie review real soon. My next review will be the movie based off the popular Lego series Bionicle Mask of Light The Movie.