Tron Movie Review



I never cared all that much about Disney’s live action movies. Even the Pirates of The Caribbean movies haven’t really interested me all that much, and that has become a huge franchise for Disney. Then again I’ve heard that the squeals aren’t all the great *Cough* On Stranger Tides *Cough*. The one live action movie that has always caught my attention though is Tron. Recently I was finally able to get my hands on a DVD copy of the original Tron and I watched for the first time. Tron is about an ex-computer programmer Kevin Flynn(played by Jeff Bridges) who is trying to hack into the company he used to work for called ENCOM. As ENCOM current head has gotten to such a high potion at the company after stealing a bunch of new video games that Kevin created and claiming that they were his.

After Kevin gets really close to finding the evidence that the games are his, the program the runs the entire computer system at ENCOM the MCP(Master Control Program) sends Kevin into the system to stop him. So now Kevin is stuck inside the computer system and he has to get out. The first major thing about this film that has to be talked about is the visuals, while they are outdated today at the time the visual effects were groundbreaking, even today the effects still look very nice. The fictional world inside in the computer system is very interesting as the people in there are programs and they have their and beliefs and idea’s. Along with technology that they posses such as things like the famous lightcycles.

The characters are all very memorable as there different personality’s and goals that gets the audience invested in them. The story itself is very intriguing as most of it takes place in this vast large digital fortifier with excellent writing that helps show off the setting inside the computer system. Tron is a groundbreaking science fiction movie in its effects and even story that helped it become such a hit today spawning the sequels Tron Legacy. And a third movie that is currently in the works Tron is a must see for science fiction fans and for gamers as well.
