Worst Movie Remakes

Nightmare on Elm Street remake movie poster             planet of the apes remake movie poster


It seems that almost every time someone tries to remake a well known movie the remake end up being extremely inferior to the original. The original Planet of The Apes movie for example is a classic Sci-Fi movie however the 2001 remake from Tim Burton has a very lackluster story that was different the original and a new twist ending that left people disappointed. While there has been many remakes of horror movies one that often gets criticized is the 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street remake which is said to be overall not as good as the original and just isn’t scary. That worst remake that I have ever seen is actually a recent movie, I’m talking about the bland and uninspired 2014 Robocop remake.

Robocop 2014 remake logo  from commons.wikimedia.org

The original Robocop was an action movie with a well written story and had cool action scenes making it a great example of a Sci-Fi action film. The remake though has characters who aren’t that memorable with a just ok storyline and uninspired action sequences. Speaking of science fiction remakes another remake which came and went upon its release was the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still.

The Day the Earth Stood Still logo from commons.wikimedia.org

This remake didn’t really do all that much and was a very forgettable film and even today people prefer the original over the remake, so you’ll mostly likely find this in a clearance bin at any store that sells DVDs. One the most criticized remakes ever though it said to be the Willy Wonka remake Charlie and The Chocolate Factory.

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory remake

Another remake by Tim Burton this remake of the classic movie that is based off the novel of the same name. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory lacks the fun, charm, and spirit of the original, not to mention Johnny Depp wasn’t a good Willy Wonka. These five films are some of the worst remakes of classics movies ever.


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