Gobots: Battle of The Rock Lords Review

While there has been multiple theatrical movies made out of the Transformers could you imagine if someone made a Gobots movie, HaHa..Ha…Ha wait what!? That’s right in 1986 only a few months before the release of Transformers: The Movie they released a movie based off of the GoBots T.V show. Gobots: Battle of The Rock Lords is about, when after two robots who can turn into rocks land on the GoBots home planet of (sigh) Gobotron the similar to the Decepticons bad guys known as the Renegades with the Megatron alike leader named Cy-Kill. Captures one of the Rock Lords and then goes to the Rock Lords home planet Quatex to team up with the evil Rock Lords lead by someone known as Magmar. However the leader of the Autobo… I mean uuu Guardians lead by the poor man’s Optimus Prime Leader-1 follow the Renegades to Quatex and team with the good Rock Lords. Lead by someone named Boulder, know they must fight for the fate of Quatex and of the Rock Lords.

The quality of the animation is very meh as while its not the worst it doesn’t have the proper animation of a theatrical animated movie. The movie despite a title like “Battle of The Rock Lords” its actually boring at some parts and the action itself is very dull. The characters aren’t that great and most of them have very uninspired names like Scooter and Turbo, also some scenes go at a normal pace while other scenes feel like they last forever. Some of the side characters are pointless such as these three human characters who accompany the Guardians on their adventure and a good Rock Lord named Solitaire as she is held prisoner by the Renegades throughout almost the entire movie. There is a final fight at the end between Leader-1 and Cy-Kill but unlike the fight between Optimus Prime and Megatron in Transformers: The Movie, this fight is one of the most boring and anti-climactic fights in a movie. The movie isn’t as bad as I thought It would be but it still isn’t a good movie and it has been only released on VHS as well, the only way I was able to see this movie is because it was on YouTube. You should probably only watch this movie if you want to see how it is compared to Transformers: The Movie aside from that skip seeing this film, then again who would be interested in a movie featuring robots who turn into rocks.

Some Things Wrong With This Movie

  • It can be very dull at parts
  • Lacks any real creativity
  • Features very forgettable characters

Scores: 3/10

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